Earlston Parish Church

  • Earlston Parish Church
  • Earlston
  • Berwickshire
  • TD4 6DE



In 2011 Earlston Parish Church income was running £12,000 per year behind overheads, with the gap certain to increase. To make matters worse, over 2009-11 our maintenance of church buildings – Manse, Church Halls and the church itself – had cost us £86,000. For historical reasons we were fairly well endowed with reserves and assets: but at this rate they clearly weren’t going to last much longer.

We completed major repairs in 2012, and have since then adopted a reasonable annual maintenance budget which should keep our buildings wind- and watertight for the foreseeable future.

To help fund this, and our increasing current income deficit, we organised a much-publicised ‘Big Supper’ in September 2012. It was light-hearted and very enjoyable: and during the course of the evening we explained to the hundred or so participants what our problem was, and how they could help.

And help they did! By the middle of 2014 our income and expenditure were virtually matched, and we could breathe a sigh of relief for another couple of years.

But the problem of static income and rising inflation isn’t going to go away:
and we always welcome your financial assistance.

You can help by clicking on the links below:


Review your giving: If you would like to review your giving, or pledge regular donations for the first time, it would be helpful if you would click here for a form.

Standing order form: Available from Graeme Cowe, Treasurer, on 01896 848855

Gift Aid: If you are paying income tax, Earlston Church can reclaim the tax on your donation. Click here for a Declaration form, or contact Neil Milne on 01896 848288          

The Big Supper, September 2012

Scottish Charity SC003895