Earlston Parish Church

  • Earlston Parish Church
  • Earlston
  • Berwickshire
  • TD4 6DE


Messy Church is a regular family event: children and parents together, joining in the fun and sharing games, crafts, a simple meal and a short act of worship. It is of the church but not in the church -- it meets on a Saturday morning in the church hall. 

All young families from the parish are welcome -- you're not expected to be a regular church-goer. It's essential that youngsters are accompanied by at least one parent or guardian.

The next event will be Saturday 7th September in the church hall from 10.30am to 1pm. Contact Anna Cove on email by clicking here for more information on 07968247401.

The first Messy Church was held on Saturday 5th April 2014 and was a great success, with 26 youngsters from 14 families. Click here for the detailed programme as it was on the day -- a programme that has followed a similar pattern since then.

Scottish Charity SC003895


Messy Lunchtime

Messy Lunch!